Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Music Feeds My Soul

Interestingly enough I have to confess - I cannot carry a tune.  I can't sing, play an instrument, read music, I can barely hum without getting strange looks!  (don't tell anyone but I was in marching band playing the clarinet in my early high school career - you would never know it now!)

But music brings me closer to God then almost any other avenue.  I use music for worship, prayer and really for everything. 

Today is not what I would consider a good day.  I am thankful for the day and it started out promising but everything I touch seems to turn to dust.  From conversations, to writing, to deeds.  It is thanksgiving eve and all that I thought would get done - hasn't.  I have a sick child and now it seems I am getting sick.  Don't you love when people say "I don't have time to be sick" - well I don't!!  ;-)

So I have been saving my new Michelle McLaughlin "Christmas Plain and Simple" CD for next week - Morning Prayer and studying.  I broke it out a few minutes ago.  I wish I didn't have anywhere to be because what I really want to do is close the door to my office, light my candles and turn the volume louder, cuddle under my prayer blanket and read C.S. Lewis.

Sometimes people think Christians aren't supposed to be sad, sometimes even Christians themselves think it.  But sometimes the deepest Joy and Peace are found in the saddest of moments.  I think because I am so busy and I am getting sick that my sadness is deeper today than it normally would be.  I miss people today who have passed on to their Life Eternal.  I want to talk to some of them and they aren't here and it just stinks.

So I envelope myself in my music as I gather my strength for the rest of today.  I pray in thanksgiving for all the artists who bring my sadness into Joy and bring my prayer alive through their gifts.  Thank you!

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