Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dreaming of I AM

The other morning my youngest son said to me "Mommy did you know that you can talk to God when you are asleep?" A few weeks ago at a bible study entitled "Let Your Life Speak" an adult said they can't imagine God entering their dreams.

I have met people who say they do not dream. I have met people who have visions.

One of my bible study workbooks professed that there are no longer prophets in our world. I know Christian mystics who have shared with me words that could only be prophetic and of God.

Do we live in the mists? Are we behind the veil? Do we forsake the mystical for fear of the magical? Is the Truth so real that we escape into the designed reality of this world - our own human making?

I read a blog by a RC priest who alleged that practicing Centering Prayer is akin to opening the front door to the devil. I heard a christian radio host allege that reading the Twilight series is a sin. I read a news article about a SB preacher who told his congregation that practicing Yoga was not a viable christian practice but fraught with evil teachings.

What I wonder the most is when these particular people began to believe in a god who is so small? God the Creator, Jesus the Savior and Holy Spirit the giver of Life transcend all human knowledge and understanding. Why can't God enter our dreams? Why wouldn't God use visions to reach us? Why couldn't the voices of Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, C.S. Lewis and Madeline L'Engle be prophetic? Why couldn't christian mystics still surround us and prayerfully keep a tangible hand in the World of Eternal? Why must we not practice quieting our heart, mind, souls and bodies through yoga and meditation, song, dance and Centering Prayer so that we can "be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10? When did we become so afraid that we forsake the power and grace of our Almighty? Or is it not fear? Is it arrogance in thinking we hold the answers, that our language speaks volumes and we understand all?

I am in Awe of the great I AM, of YHWH, of Yahweh, of Jehovah, Adanoia, El Shaddai, of the One who can not be imaged in human characteristic, who can not even be named, who tells me to "raphah" - be still. This life of mine only exists by the grace of this God. I am but dust molded by the infinite mercy of Love itself. I can be calm and serene in the spirituality of the All knowing, All giving, All merciful, All patient source of All Being, All Creation. I have nothing to fear as I sit in the mists of I AM. I welcome the dreams, the visions, the prophetic voices, the stillness of body, mind and soul, the darkness and the Light that shall overcome it all. God can move and be through it all.

Where is God in all this we call life? is a question uttered every day by many. I AM is within it all, is my response. Dream big today.

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