Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hidden Homeless

I just met a man who is one paycheck away from being homeless.  He is a single father trying to raise two kids.  He got hurt on the job and was out of work - with no pay - for a few weeks.  When you live paycheck to paycheck you can't afford to miss work.  Missing work means missing a payment.  This month it meant not having enough to cover his rent and still be able to put food on the table.  His work hours are such that he can't make it over to the local food pantry. 

This work can be so frustrating and so joyful all at the same time.  I can't "fix" anything.  I can offer a hand up and a hope for particular situations but I can't make anything better for the long run.  By the grace of God I was able to help him secure funding to keep from getting an eviction notice but what happens next month as the weather gets colder and his heating bills rise. 

"Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever."  Psalm 28:6-9

There is nothing I can do.  I can only pray.  I can only drop to my knees and cry for mercy and beg for strength.  This "work" I do it pulls me and shapes me and drains me and invigorates me.  The calls keep coming, the need keeps growing.  I work with great people who spread the resources as much as they can, but it never feels enough.  There are still so many people who need shelter, food, clothing, safety, mercy and love.

I am so blessed, beyond blessed.  I spend my days caring for God's children, sharing God's word of Hope and Redemption.  Every breath I take is a gift, every moment spent with someone who walks away feeling loved and cared for is sacred.  I want so much, sometimes it makes my stomach hurt and my breath grow quick for all the work there is to do and how much I want.  I want every child to know the feeling of security and love and a full tummy, to have the opportunity to go to school and just play and be and imagine and learn and grow - without fear, without angst, without growing up too quickly.  How different would our world look if people felt heard and loved?  Isnt' that what we all want, at our core? 

Love.  To be heard.  To be seen.  How many are hidden amongst us?

Jesus saw them.  Jesus called them by name.  Jesus healed them.  Jesus saved them.  Jesus loved them.

You could re-write that to say:  Jesus saw Me.  Jesus called Me by name.  Jesus healed Me.  Jesus saved Me.  Jesus loves Me.

Thank you Jesus!

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