Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's all Greek to me

I love kids eat free night - especially when I only need to feed 2 of my kids ;-)  (If you don't have more than one kid per adult in your home there is a secret to kid's eat free night - only one kid per adult eats free!)  We have a little authentic Greek restaurant near us (although they have americanized the menu) - I know it is authentic because my Greek friends told me it is and dine there, otherwise what do I know?  I love going there.  I love indulging in Spanikopita and Baklava; just two of my favorites.  I also love the music and I love Greek mamas.  I have never been around a Greek mama who didn't adopt me and take me right in; loving hugs, plates of food, tons of "wear your coat" "do you have gloves?" "you think you should wear those pants in public?"  If you have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding you know what I am talking about, according to my Greek GFs that movie is not a parody it is reality. 

I am also an honorary Greek Orthodox godmommy.  I am not Greek Orthodox so I can not be an official godmother, but I was granted a special place in the Baptism ceremony of my goddaughter and it was a wonderful, blessed experience.  I had never seen an infant full immersion baptism before.    I am used to the full congregant participation in a baptism during sunday church (or also Easter Vigil saturday service).  All of my children have been sprinkled.  In the Greek Orthodox church, during a private baptism ceremony, the child is fully immersed in the baptism font naked and dunked three times.  This is after the priest blesses olive oil and blesses places such as the forehead and the back and then the godparents cover the childs body in the oil.  In the Greek Orthodox church the sacrament of confirmation takes places right after the baptism and the child is fully received into the church, then vested in a beautiful white garment, walked three times around the font (symbolizing the angels dancing in heaven) and then partakes in Holy Eucharist as a full member of the Church.  It is a beautiful ceremony (there is so much I am leaving out), each moment based in ancient tradition and meaning, joining centuries of believers together into this very moment of time.  God's kingdom on earth.  Tonight, and every time I see my goddaughter's yaya and papou, I am reminded of that very special day and my very special responsibility to pray for her and support her parents in raising her up as a Christian or "other Christ"; to be an ambassador for God in this world.

It is so funny how God can take my day of "didn't want to"s - didn't want to do my housework, didn't want to do my churchwork, didn't want to write, make dinner, check the mail, water the flowers...and turn it into a "blessed to"day -  blessed to be able to go out to dinner, blessed to be embraced by yaya and papou, blessed to be a mother and godmother, blessed to know God and love Him and share that with all who know me.

Blessings on your day my friend, Holly

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