Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Sunrise Beckons Me Alive Again

There are days when being "in" this world but not "of" this world is a daunting task.  Days when all I really want to do is sit and breathe, watch the sunrise and the magnificence of Creation awakening, surround myself with the beauty of music and inhale the words of those who bring the mystery of life alive.  There are days when I want to so fully embrace the Spirit and dance together that the rest of the world is a mere mirage.  And indeed isn't it?  This running around, this frantic pace, this have to do and have to have life - what is it really but a mirage.  What are we running from instead of dancing into?

"If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the furthest limits of the sea, Even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me fast."  Psalm 139:9-10

"Should I have led a more simple life?
Have my ambitions been worthy?
Has the wind, for years, been talking to me as well?
Somewhere, among all my thoughts, there is a narrow path.

It's attractive, but who could follow it?
Slowly the full morning
draws over us its mysterious and lovely equation.
Then, in the branches poling from their dark center,

ever more flexible and bright,
sparks from the sun are bursting and melting on the bird's wings
as, indifferent and comfortable,
they lounge, they squabble in the vast, rose-colored light."

(excerpt from Crows by Mary Oliver)

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