Today I went into a meeting to begin to say "No" and to let things slide off my plate. I walked out of the meeting having said "No" and "Yes Yes" and adding to my plate. Hmmm...
Insanity or Radical Balance? I don't feel overwhelmed (yet). I feel as though I have just been given another gift of opportunity for ministry. I know there aren't enough hours in the day to keep adding and never deleting activities. But on the other hand I keep praying to God and asking "Where is your spirit leading me?", "Where do you want me?", "Am I where I am supposed to be?" Often after asking these questions I will begin to daydream (not very effective for the Almighty To Do list). I dream about worship and classes and conversations and sermons and serving and helping. The project I agreed to help organize today I have been pondering for 4 years. Today the opportunity arose.
Do I cling to the balance beam and think to myself "I can't" or do I jump off hands raised to heaven praising God for an answered prayer and ask Him for strength and courage to do this work in His name? I will have to let something go and this is okay. I can't do everything for everyone and this is also OK. It is time to drop to my knees again and begin to pray in earnest as to what has to go. But I probably already know. God can be very clear to me working with my energy - the task that wakes me at 4am and sets my adrenaline rushing is good, the task that I procrastinate and put off until the last minute and dread every second and then feel as though the sun burst open when I am finished is not good.
Surrendering your life to God is a daily balancing act - don't be afraid to fall. God will always catch you and raise you up!
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