Thursday, January 3, 2013

So, Wake Up & See!

I receive a 'Word of the Day' from the Society of Saint John the Evangelist each day.  Today's word is Transformation.  In just 2 sentences Brother David has encaptured what I was trying to say in my last two posts.  Thanks be to God!

We can attempt, through rewards and punishments or through the sheer force of will, to change our behavior, but real transformation only happens when our minds have been awakened and transformed by the mind of Christ. So wake up and see!
My brothers and my sisters, let us wake up and see!  God opens our hearts and our minds and the world explodes in colors and sounds and we can actually see the Light overcome the darkness.  Amazing Grace!

Ask and you shall receive.  I sought transformation and I am a work in progress - having the time of my life I might add!

A preview of my dinner...

Recipe 3:

Dr. Oz's Dinner Drink, from his 3 Day Detox Cleanse
1/2 Cup Mango
1 Cup Blueberries
1 1/2 Cups Coconut Water
1Cup Kale
1 TBSP Lemon
1/4 Avocado
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 TBSP Flax Seeds

Yum and Yum - this is my favorite of the 3 detox smoothies from Dr. Oz - it has a spicy, nicey kick to it, a great way to end the day.  Cheers!

Blessed Be!

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