How many times a day do we say we are too busy?
This past year I am embarrassed by how many times I made that statement. I overheard a conversation today where a person told their friend, "Of course I show up late to everything. If I don't show up late no one will think I am important." I wonder if we are also "too busy" because it makes us feel important?
Or maybe we are just too busy. Maybe we have said "Yes" a lot and now we are committed a lot. This past year God really shook my world and I realized I was too busy for God, for my family and for my friends. It hurts to admit that. It hurts even more to think of those I hurt by being too busy.
Today I was praying for all the friends and family who hurt, who feel left behind, lost, misunderstood, not heard, not supported, unloved by those they love the most. I was praying for all those who ask someone to spend time with them, talk to them, hear and see them only to hear "I am too busy." We have all said it. We have all heard it.
God is never too busy. God always sees us, hears us, knows us (the real us). God is always waiting for us to sit still and just be open to being noticed, heard and loved. We can show up early, on time or even late and God is there.
God is always there - whether we are too busy or not - God is always there. In thankfulness for God always being there for me today I set aside my schedule and I called a friend. I sat in my prayer chair, turned off the clock and opened myself up to conversation. I had told my friend I was too busy this past week to talk. Today I decided I was too busy talking with her to do anything else. My friend needed that talk. She is feeling sad, lonely, and lost. She needed to reconnect and center. Truth is I needed that talk today also. I needed to be available, to be a friend, to listen and hear, to support and encourage. We need one another.
**While I was writing this another friend called me and invited me to a joyous event. I had to say No, I was too busy that day *sigh*. However, this time we made alternate plans instead of leaving it at the fact that I was too busy for this event. I am hopeful. Baby steps. I know God will be at the event!
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