Thursday, September 4, 2014

#thanksliving Breaking The Rules

There are very clear rules in our house.  No PDA.  At least No Public Displays of Affection from the Mommy!  From a young age my crew had definite ideas of when I would be allowed to hug and kiss them and it was pretty clear it was to be in the house only - and not while friends were around.  Every now and then we break the rules.  Sometimes I grab a quick hug as they run out the door or place a speed kiss on their cheek as they are doing the dishes.  Seriously, who can resist loving on a kid who is washing the dishes??  And church during the peace.  My kids let me hug them in public during the peace. I mean God is watching right?  They have heard the whole Honor your Mother commandment from their Deacon.

This is why when I walked Little R to school today I stood in complete shock until a knowing smile from a friend brought me back to the moment.  You see I stopped walking at our agreed upon spot so he could walk independently the rest of the way.  Normally I get a rushed "see ya Mom" as he races off, free from my slow steps.  Today he took three steps, turned back to me and ran into my arms and gave me a huge hug and I couldn't resist dropping a kiss on the top of his head and holding on as long as he would let me.

Amazing Grace!  This was a serious Thank You God prayer all my walk back home and even into the house where the rest of the kids wanted to know why I had a goofy grin on my face.  So, I told them.  And guess what?  They all hugged me on the way out of the door this morning!!  Grace upon Grace.

I went on with my day.  I planned on visiting a few of our county homeless shelters and checking with case managers to see how our students were faring the first week of school and get an update on any school supply needs.  I started thinking about Case Managers and how they are a lot like mothers; how they take individuals into their care and help guide them, showing them choices and offering advice on making choices, having to set and maintain rules.  I wondered how often their clients want to be free of them, embarrassed to need them and yet often turning back and saying Thank You. 

While my plans to visit the case managers remained the same Thanksliving broke in and my conversation changed.  I did indeed ask how students were and inquired about supply needs.  But instead of sticking to business as usual and keeping a fast pace towards my next destination I stopped.  I stopped, I looked back and I gave them a hug and I said Thank You.  I asked them how they were doing.  I learned about their kids, their health, their recent vacations and the stress of their workload.  I stopped.  I looked into their eyes.  I took a moment to hold us in a place of relationship where I saw them - them - not just their work.  And I thanked them.  I thanked them for being parents and spouses and co-workers and for the amazing work they do with our homeless brothers and sisters.  The amount of work they do is staggering and most of it is done amidst heightened emotions and in crisis situations.

It might seem so simple.  To stop.  To look at someone.  To have a conversation where the only goal was relationship and thank you and encouragement.  When was the last time you experienced a simple conversation, face to face, where you heard Thank You just for being You?

The hug my son gave me (in public!) was a Thank You just for being his Mom and I loved every minute of it.


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