Sunday, June 3, 2012

Holy Goodness It's The Trinity

Today was my first day with my new congregation.  I was very excited to meet everyone and I am still very excited to get to spend time with them and get to know them and the work God is calling them into in this world.

As I was driving to Church I was praying and just thanking God for the drive and this new opportunity for ministry and listening to the song below.  The road I took used to be a dirt road through wooded area.  Today it is a paved road and getting enlarged more and more as new neighborhoods and shopping centers keep being developed.  But it is still tree filled and every now and then you capture a peak of the mountains in the distance.  I was praying for the Holy Spirit to be with me, to help me let people see less of me and more of Christ.

The Church is in the downtown area of a historic town.  I had the choice of turning down two different streets and I planned on passing the first one and turning onto the next one.  As I passed the first one I looked down the street just to make sure I had my bearings correct. 

Three deer stood in the middle of the street!  All standing with their heads close together and staring straight at me!  "Holy Goodness" is what I proclaimed!  I wanted to slam on the brakes and go in reverse so I could take a picture.  All I could think of was the Trinity!  It is Trinity Sunday and God just gave me a Trinity to witness.

I wonder this week how God will reveal the Trinity to you?

Thanks be to the One God: Creator, Redeemer, Life Giving Spirit!

Trinity:  "Mission is of the very essence of the God we know as Trinity, and like holiness, part of God’s very nature, not simply an attribute. God is a missionary God, a sending God. Just as the Father sent the Son and the Father and the Son sent the Spirit, so the Father, Son, and Spirit sends the Church into the world."   -Br. Kevin Hackett

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