It's a monday. My husband does not like mondays, they are pretty hectic work days for him. But for me, I love mondays. Today I am leading Morning Prayer and one of the scriptures is from Esther. Love Esther, she gives a whole new meaning to courage. Then bible study and today we are studying Eve, hmmm. Now Eve intrigues me, Mother of us All. What truly intrigues me is the fact that there are two creation stories and the focus of our bible study today is on the 2nd story where Eve is created for Adam - at least that is the way the bible study book is interpreting it. I prefer the 1st story "Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness"..."So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Love that scripture, could read that all day long. I think I will sit with that scripture today and just let it settle around and within me. See where it takes me. Also, I can't find a book that I love - it is by Madeline L'Engle - she writes an inspired fiction peace on Eve bearing the first child, in pangs of labor. I wonder what it was like to be the only Woman on Earth and first find yourself growing large with pregnancy and then having the baby all by yourself. I wonder if God whispered in her heart to explain all the changes her body was going through and ease her fear when childbirth came. I remember childbirth - very clearly - and I was surrounded by women who knew what was happening to me and coaching me through, plus I had read every book there was and faithfully attended my childbirth classes - probably had too much information. I was still scared and only got through it by surrendering the whole process to God. And God gave me 4 lovely little miracles to share my life with.
Miracle #3 has his follow up doctor appt. today. The neurologist said that it is a 90% chance he has an inherited genetic nervous tic and only 10% chance seizures are happening. I am hanging on to those statistics all day today. We had to sleep deprive him last night to get ready for his EEG today. I think the sleep deprivation was harder on me than him. Now he wants to stay up late every night!
I will keep Eve and Esther in my heart today as I pray for my son. Their courage will inspire me and I can lean on their stories as we experience our own.
I will keep your miricle #3 in my prayers and thoughts today as well. Your blog is wonderful- thank you for sharing it... for those of us who don't have a "formal" daily scripture commitment, reading your blog is uplifting. Just thought I'd say thanks. ;)