Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back In The Saddle

The Lord is Risen indeed and fasting has come to an end!  Alleluia, Alleluia!

I have been on a sabbatical of sorts and an electronics fast.  How itchy I felt to get back to work.  I know God wanted me to rest, renew, refresh, be present in the Spirit as I prepare for the next steps in my formation process, but wow can it be hard!

I read about a book a day and fed my mind and my heart and my soul.  I sat for hours on my back porch in the cold crisp air, sipping hot steamy coffee and staring into the sunrise.  I played in the dirt for hours at a time, fully immersed in Creation, letting my thoughts cease and my heart open as I transplanted and planted this warmer than usual Spring.  I made phone calls and actually spoke to people (amazing what happens when you give up e-mail, texting, FB and twitter!). I wrote letters and visited the good folks at the post office.  I went on walks and surprised friends by showing up on their front porch with just my sweaty self and my drooling dog asking if they wanted to make me a cup of coffee and chat.  I turned up my music really loud and leaned back in my chair soaking in the sounds and stories.  I lost interest in all my little tv shows I used to tivo and watch when I wanted my mind to just wander - true confession, I really don't care if the housewives of anywhere are laughing or crying or more commonly screaming, may God continue to bless them as they search to fill a void - somehow they must think TV cameras and producers will fill that void but I am pretty sure God is the only One who can.

I know for me God filled my void, my soul, my heart, my mind, my thoughts, unceasing prayer is so much easier when you turn off the electronic world, that constant barrage of information, most of it not necessary to my actual living life.  Quieting my world actually enlarged my world and opened up my creativity, most people were worried that I wouldn't be able to get by and would lose touch.  And I did in a way, with some people and I did realize that our life can not take a step backward from technology, it is here and moving forward and we are all reliant and interconnected in this way.  To wish it away is foolishness for me, now to embrace it in a way that glorifies God.  This is the challenge.  All these tools, all these ways to reach people, what an opportunity for worship, healing, reconciliation, prayer.

I also realized that technology is a privilege, a necessary privilege.  Those who have no access to technology are truly in the margins of society.  Just dealing with the public school system opened my eyes to the need of each parent who has a child in school to have access to e-mail and the Internet, otherwise you know NOTHING that is going on with your kids.  In 40 days I received two phone calls from the school and one printed sheet of information.  And this extends to extra-curricular clubs and sports teams.

Obviously, I learned a lot - too much for one post and of course I have lots of thoughts to share.  I am headed back to work today though and looking forward to meeting some new people and learning about some new community projects.  It is time.  God has given me this time of rest and I knew that when God said "Go!" I had better be ready.

Blessings my friends, blessings on your technology - use it wisely, blessings on the work God brings to you today, some to uplift and encourage you and some to challenge and extend you, may you do all that you do for the glory of the Risen Lord!