Thursday, September 9, 2010

Radical Transformation

"If anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who observes his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself and then goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But he who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, not being a hearer that forgets but a doer that acts, he shall be blessed in his doing."
James 1:23-25

DFI is this Saturday and I am studying. One of my classes is "Anglican Spirituality and Morality" and we are going to discuss prayer and identity. What a glorious day to study "radical transformation" as defined by Beatrice Bruteau. I am sitting outside with 70 degree temps, a gorgeous blue sky with barely a fluffy, white cloud to ponder an image, a nice breeze, and background sounds of kids and laughter and some type of flute music that I am loving. I always did want to play the flute, never got the hang of it, but I digress ;-)

Radical Transformation - I have been undergoing transformation and it becomes more radical every footstep into the Light I take. I have to admit I am pretty much a nerd. I have been dubbed (lovingly, I think) a book nerd, a church nerd, an introvert, the quiet one and one of my favorites: a tree hugging granola. You are probably wondering who my friends are at this point. I don't think I am unique, I believe we all undergo transformation our entire lives - if we don't we could become stuck and we might become bitter and desolate. We are constantly reinventing ourselves based on new knowledge, new information, awakenings if you will.

It can take a single word to transform your whole life - that was the case for me. I have a friend who shall remain nameless - although if he is reading this he knows who he is and I should preface this story that I love and adore him and I thank him for beginning an awakening for me. One evening I was at church and a program was about to begin and I went to set up a room I was using - that was reserved for me. There was a group in the room who were still knee deep in meeting. I went to a different space to see how I could set up and then passed my friend and asked if he might know when this particular meeting would end so I could use my original space. Instead of answering my question he threw one to me, "have you been a doormat your whole life?" If I remember correctly I sort of laughed, said something like, "no, I am just nice" and we parted ways. And then I went home and cried. I continued to go between anger and wanting to punch something to crying and feeling like a loser that someone would call me out as a doormat for being nice and considerate.

Then one day I stopped crying and ranting. I sat down, got quiet and I prayed. I asked God to help me understand the definition of doormat and did my name appear in that definition. As I prayed I began to think of the word Meek. I remember how I used to view Meek as Weak. A definition I held onto for years and I mean years. I was in my 30s when I revisited the word Meek and realized it does not mean weak but rather it means humble strength. I began to embrace Meek. If I took doormat and flipped the word around I began to let go of the weak connotation and embrace the spirit of humility and compassion, the strength it takes to step back in line, to let a meeting run over, to let others speak first, to let someone proclaim to be right, to listen to another perspective, to give space to grief, to allow time for Grace to step in and work miracles.

I know I cannot change the worlds definition of doormat - except by being a doormat transformed. I can embrace my inner nerd and bring it forth in boldness for my Creator. I can take God out of my limited human box and I can step out behind Him(Her). I can boldly go where I never have been before. I can write a newsletter, I can write a blog, I can lead a prayer service, I can share the Word as I understand it. I can be vulnerable to the world sharing my story because I know that God is my strength and my stronghold.

This is radical transformation - taking what you think you know to be true and asking God what is really true. It is looking in the mirror and not forgetting who we are when we step away. It is looking in the mirror and seeing God and stepping away from the mirror and behaving in a manner that glorifies God. It is hearing the Word and living the Word into this world through our actions. "Fear not for I am with you".

In the West we talk a lot about the Authentic - Living the Authentic Life, being our authentic selves. I like the way Zen Buddhists put it "Show me your original face, the face you had before your parents were born." This speaks directly to our scripture and "observe your natural face". We are created beings living in a created world that has been broken. In our broken-ness we need to search for our natural face, our God within. If your natural face, your true created beingness walked past your image-clad broken world face - would you recognize each other?

If not you might want to consider a Radical Transformation of your own, I know I am enjoying mine. I am looking forward to the day my broken heart meets my natural face and the two walk as One and travel this journey called Life together.

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