Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being Content

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:11-13 (New International Version)

As I cleaned off my kitchen table tonight for dinner (re: previous post kitchen table overload) I brought everything into my office and sat down in my comfy chair, looked out my wonderful window and just prayed.  God give me the vision to use what I have wisely instead of complaining.  I had walked through my dining room trying to figure out where I would put all the kids stuff - because currently our dining room is the "Homework/Study/Craft Room" so that the kids have everything they need in one place to do their homework.  I like the no excuse policy, I never want them to have a ready reason they can get out of homework. 

As I was sitting there I realized that yes, my desk could be bigger, but I also could clean the office and I wouldn't feel so claustrophobic.  I have been so busy I have been shoving everything in here and creating teetering piles.  I couldn't even see my "altar".  I set up a little table with candles and prayer pieces that people have given me.  As I was looking at my altar I remembered I was just given an icon - the one I have been wanting to add to my altar - I received it as a gift this week and hadn't placed it anywhere yet, I have been carrying it with me.  Well of course there is a little nail right above my candles on my little altar area - perfect for my icon of the trinity.

I started cleaning, getting all the "stuff" out of the way; recycle, shred, throw, file - and imagine my delight when I found a stack of journal entries and class presentation notes from my EFM days (Education for Ministry).  I was reading over them and just became overwhelmed with the presence of God.  How he has gently opened my eyes, how he has carried the Light in front of me just one step at a time.  How He challenges me to grow, to learn, to step out of my comfort zone and provides me peace, rest and sanctuary every step of the way.

To say I am content this evening as I gather my books to read in my comfy chair and listen to the pouring rain outside, like the breath of baptism floating over and through me, I am content.  Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!

PS check out this Morning Prayer video...

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